Monday, April 26, 2021


The Saola

The saola is not a common or heard of animal. To be honest, I haven’t known about them very long myself. But the population is low. The Saola has actually only been known to scientists since 1992. The population according to is only 750. Scientists have only known about this species for 29 years, and in this short period of time, we have a population smaller than 1,000! It’s crazy! The Saola is obviously critically endangered.

The saola is actually quite a gorgeous animal. I recommend you to search it, it’s adorable! 

I’m sure you’re wondering what is causing this extreme downsize, well it’s simple. Snare traps. The Saola is only located in the Annamite Mountains of Laos and Vietnam. 

The world needs wildlife and we need to conserve it. Do you like to go on road trips and see bison, elk, koalas, snakes? And so many more? Then conserve wildlife! Myself and so many others are trying to get the message out to conserve wildlife! 

Here’s a link to a list of endangered animals. I encourage all of my readers and others to find more information themselves as well. I also encourage telling your friends so we can get the message out there!

Works Cited:

"Species Directory" Species List Endangered, Vulnerable, and Threatened Animals WWF, Accessed May 8 2021.

"Saving Saola through the One Plan approach" Saola Working Group - Save the Saola, Accessed May 8 2021.

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