Sunday, May 16, 2021

Great White Shark


The Great White Shark

Dun dun. Dun dun. Dun dun. Dun dun. No no just kidding. You would only understand that if you’ve seen the movie Jaws. Anyways, the great white shark. 300 teeth, 20 feet long, 7,000 pounds. The great white shark is a feared predator. Although, innocent. Sharks kill less than 15 people a year, people kill nearly 12,000 sharks an hour. These gorgeous misunderstood animals are being killed for soup. People catch them, cut off their fins, and throw them back into the ocean to die. 

Other reasons are one overfishing, and two nets to keep jellyfish, sharks and other predators out of populated beaches. The sharks get caught in the nets, can’t eat, suffer and die. Although, luckily some beaches have cameras or groups to check the nets to release the sharks. This tragedy also happens to lots of other marine animals. 

Great white sharks are listed as vulnerable. Right now that may not seem like a big deal, but by the number of sharks that are being killed per hour, great white sharks are headed to be endangered, and then critically endangered. We need all breeds of sharks in our world! If we don’t have sharks in the ocean, other species will start to over-populate. This will throw the food chain completely off. 

Help save these gorgeous creatures. The website that I’ve been gathering a lot of information from is World Wildlife. They are helping a lot with wildlife conservation. If you want you can actually make a symbolic adoption on their website. I’m about to leave for Hawaii, but when I get back I would love to adopt a great white shark. Check out this link where it tells you more information. 

Works Cited:

“Species Directory” Species List Endangered, Vulnerable, and Threatened Animals WWF, Accessed May 16. 

“Facts” Great White Sharks Species WWF, Accessed May 16. 

“Threats” Great White Sharks Species WWF, Accessed May 16. 

"All Pictures Used Under Creative Commons License"

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