Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Hector's Dolphin

 The Hector's Dolphin

The Hector's dolphin is an endangered species. I know that all of my other essays have been critically endangered animals. And that is definitely absolutely not all of the critically endangered animals. Back to the point, just because the Hector's dolphin isn’t critically endangered, doesn’t mean that it’s not important. The animals who aren't endangered still matter. All animals matter. Wildlife is what makes our world gorgeous. 

Currently the Hector’s dolphin only has a population of 7,000. Like I’ve said before, even though 7,000 is a big number, for a species, that is not a lot. Now the Hector’s dolphin actually has a sub-species called the Maui dolphin. And sadly, they are critically endangered. They only have a population of 55. These species are only found in the west of New Zealand’s North Island. 

I really recommend you guys searching the Hector’s dolphin! They are absolutely adorable! They’re like a mix of an orca and a dolphin. But really small. I hope that you guys enjoy my blog and are starting to see the importance of wildlife conservation.

I also want to say thank you to world wildlife, they have helped me learn about endangered species. 

Works Cited:

"Species Directory" Species List Endangered, Vulnerable, and Threatened Animals WWF, Accessed May 8 2021.

“Facts” Hector’s Dolphin Species WWF, 

Accessed May 8 2021.

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